Helloooo. This is the Testing Zone. This exists for me to mess around with web design and learn HTML and CSS. In due time I should be able to make The Bishoujo Palace but for now this is all I got :p
Feel free to click around this site is a little bit more functional than when I started. You should still check out the cool Youtube videos tho ; >"

Added Landing page
Added Offsite contacts
At some point I added a blinkie dump
Added the 'Outside space'
2/4/25:Added an update section
Added a chat box
First created BETA-Bishoujo Palace and added an about me


About me:
Hii I'm Samnha or Sam. I'm just ur avg fangirl who lovesss bishoujos and bishounens so much so that I'm learning web design so that I can create a digital shrine for them (among my other obessions).
Contact me at: Bishoujo.fangirl@gmail.com